Building audits and surveys: Individual or multiple buildings; energy and building science audits, water intrusion, combustion safety, facility management, characterization surveys
Building codes: Code review and compliance, code language development, and compliance training
Building envelope consulting and commissioning: Air thermal, water and vapor barriers; code compliance; plan review and commissioning: New and existing construction; best practice and forensics.
Building Types: Commercial, institutional and industrial, Single family, low/mid/high rise apartment and condominium, Manufactured and modular housing.
Construction quality control: Scheduled and as needed inspections to verify plan compliance, trouble shoot and resolve site issues, construction moisture control and remediation, confidence air leakage and water testing.
Crawl space performance: Wall vented versus closed/unvented; moisture, radon and combustion safety control; insulation placement; best practice versus code minimum. Wet crawls, mold, and rot. Vapor barrier placement.
Design review: For commercial and residential new construction and renovation: Services range from one time informal reviews to detailed multistage reviews throughout the design development.
Forensic and diagnostic investigations: Investigation examples include excess humidity, condensation and water intrusion; building mold; indoor air and environment quality problems; high energy use and poor comfort performance.
Large building air barrier design and testing: I offer a full range of design review, construction inspections, whole-building air leakage testing and thermography inspection services. This specialty got kicked in to high gear in 2009 when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers mandated that all their new construction had to pass stringent air leakage testing requirements.
Mentoring: I particularly enjoy mentoring on building science topics by working one-on-one or with small groups over time. I want to help you become a better architect, engineer, contractor or owner.
Photography and video production: Professional quality photography: architecture, construction sequence, and documenting best/worst practice. Video work: Storyboard’s, script writing, on and off camera narration, editing and production. My creative photography website is
Project development and management: Needs assessment, proposal writing, budgets, start-up, fine tuning, execution, Co-ordination, administration and reporting.
Research: Proposal writing and budgets, project management and administration, experiment design and execution, report writing and presenting findings.
Risk management: Individualized strategies, support and review for owners and property managers. Insurance policy technical support. Support available for design, construction and occupied loss control.
Sensitized occupant consulting: Technical consulting and counseling assistance for individuals that are sensitized to mold and/or other building related pollutants. For a variety of reasons the counseling side of this work is often the most important service I can provide to these individuals.
Technical and market research: Web and document review, interviews, survey development. Needs assessments, white papers, briefings and presentations.
Technical writing: Fliers, handouts, reports, presentations, scripts, handbooks and research reports.
Training: I have been developing and teaching building science related classes and seminars for over 30 years: Everything from lunch and learns to multi-day programs. I have many developed presentations or I can develop new training programs to suit a Client’s particular need.